Archive for the ‘App Profiles’ Category
HippoRemote Extra: Media Player Classic
UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.
A big thank you to Russell Estcourt, who’s created a profile for Media Player Classic (and MPC-HC).
As noted previously, to be able to download and install Russell’s MPC profile, you have to be part of our profile creation beta. To join, just send us an email.
HippoRemote Extra: EyeTV
UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.
“Do you have an EyeTV profile?”
We get asked this question a lot. And until recently, we didn’t have a good answer. But thanks to Chris Hulett, HippoRemote now has EyeTV support! Chris has already churned out a few revisions, each better than the last.
To be able to install Chris’ latest EyeTV profile, you have to be part of our profile creation beta. If you aren’t, don’t worry. It’s open to all HippoRemote users. Just send us an email and you’re in!
HippoRemote Extra: Canabalt!
UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.
Ever since it crossed my radar a couple weeks ago, I have been addicted to Canabalt. Love the visuals, love the music, love the simplicity, love the gameplay. Love it all.
So as a thank you to all of you partaking in our profile creation beta, here’s a Canabalt profile! Now you can Canabalt away from the comfort of your couch. And though we generally recommend one-thumb HippoRemote operation, for this game, the boost in reflexes from using your index finger is pretty essential.
And be sure to support the Canabalt developers and buy the iPhone version (App Store Link). Just $3 for endless hours of fun.
P.S. If you’d like to join in on the profile creation beta, just send us an email.