Archive for August, 2011
HippoRemote Pro 3.3
Hi again! Wanted to let you all know that HippoRemote Pro 3.3 is now available in the App Store. It’s only been a month since the last update, but I managed to squeeze a number of useful enhancements into this release. Read on for more details.
As most of you probably know, Apple released OS X Lion last month. It’s a big update and a number of features were significantly modified. Screen Sharing in particular received a major update with the addition of multi-user sharing. While incredibly convenient, multi-user sharing unfortunately broke compatibility with HippoRemote.
I’m happy to say that the 3.3 update restores Screen Sharing support and makes it even better! Instead of fiddling with VNC settings, you can now connect to your Mac using your user account and password. The entire setup process has been simplified to one step — Check the box next to Screen Sharing in your Mac’s System Preferences.
If you use HippoRemote to control multiple computers, your favorites list is probably includes a bunch of apps that aren’t installed on the current machine. If you have both Macs and PCs, the situation is likely even worse.
In 3.3, your favorites are now stored per connection. So no more jumbled profiles. Just a nice clean list for each computer you control.
For those of you running HippoRemote on your iPads in 2x mode, the trackpad has probably been a bear to use because the sensitivity is out of whack. I’ve added a setting called “2x Adjustment” that should properly tune the sensitivity and make the trackpad usable again. I tried to make this setting automatic, but unfortunately apps can’t detect when they are running in 2x mode, so you’ll have to manually enable this.
A number of users have reported that their right mouse button has stopped working. As it turns out, in a recent software update for Snow Leopard users, Apple flipped the middle and right mouse buttons for Screen Sharing. I don’t know if this was an accident or a permanent change, but if your right mouse button is unresponsive, there’s now a “Swap Buttons” setting that should restore the proper behavior.
That covers the big ticket items. As always, each update to HippoRemote also includes a bundle of small tweaks, edits, and fixes. The more complete list of changes is below.
If you like HippoRemote and the changes and updates, I’d really appreciate it if you would leave a five star review in iTunes. I’d love it even more if you would tell others about the app via Facebook, Twitter or the good old-fashioned way.
If you don’t like something, or just want to give me some suggestions, you can get in touch with me via email. My email address is on HippoRemote’s support page ( Twitter (@HippoRemote) is also an option, but I find it’s pretty hard to talk about features in 140 characters or less.
Enjoy and happy HippoRemoting!
* Improved support for connecting via Screen Sharing on Macs. In particular, connecting to OS X Lion via Screen Sharing is now fully supported.
* Your list of favorite profiles is now stored per connection. No more jumbled favorites for those of you controlling multiple computers!
* Launch on Connect setting is now enabled by default. HippoRemote will automatically launch the app corresponding to the current profile when a connection is completed. (HippoConnect/HippoVNC only)
* Added “Reverse Swiping” setting for easily reversing swiping directions on gesturepads.
* Added “2x Adjustment” setting when running on an iPad. This scales the trackpad sensitivity to make mouse movements more natural when running in 2x mode.
* Added “Swap Buttons” setting for swapping middle and right mouse buttons. Snow Leopard users experiencing issues with right clicking should enable this setting.
* Added support for auto-discovery of MAC addresses, easing setup of Wake-on-LAN.
* Added new gesture shortcut – swipe horizontally across Profile button to clear the current profile.
* Added WebDAV support for uploading/editing profiles on the device.
* Fixed connection errors on IPv6 networks.
* Fixed broken Reverse Scrolling option.
* Fixed visual glitches when panning between keyboards.
* Fixed memory issue in Boxee/Plex/XBMC gesturepads when handling very large images.
* Fixed bug prevented custom actions for 3-finger gestures.