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Archive for the ‘App Profiles’ Category

Shank Profile

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I made this profile during the development of Pro 3.0, so I wasn’t able to properly announce it. It’s been available to download in the repository for a while now, or you can grab it here.

Written by Albert

December 8th, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Posted in App Profiles

Super Meat Boy Profile

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It’s weird. It’s gory. And it’s ridiculously fun. Download the profile directly to your iPhone or grab it here.

More on Super Meat Boy here.

Written by Albert

December 3rd, 2010 at 7:36 pm

Posted in App Profiles

Vimeo Couch Mode Profile

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Vimeo Couch Mode is simply awesome and a HippoRemote Pro profile makes it even more so. Read Vimeo’s blog post and then grab the profile! It’s easiest to download it directly inside the app, but you can also grab it from our website here.

Written by Albert

November 30th, 2010 at 10:21 am

Posted in App Profiles

Updating Old/Broken Profiles

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HippoRemote Pro 3.0 breaks compatibility with some profiles from earlier versions. The simplest way to get up to date is to go into the in-app settings and tap on Restore Default Profiles. This wipes out all the profiles on your iPhone and replaces them with updated versions.

If this is a bit too severe for you, you can update profiles individually from our online repository. The repository is accessible from inside the app by tapping the “+” button on the profiles screen and choosing the Browse Online option.

Written by Albert

November 29th, 2010 at 8:33 pm

Posted in App Profiles,Tips

YouTube Leanback Profile

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The name is a bit of a mouthful, but YouTube Leanback is a fantastic way to browse YouTube from your couch. And now it’s super easy to control with HippoRemote Pro. Grab the profile here.

Written by Albert

August 7th, 2010 at 11:02 am

Posted in App Profiles

Totem Movie Player Profile

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Hey Linux fans! HippoRemote Pro user Andrew Maxwell has created a profile for the Totem Movie Player.

You can grab it from his blog:


Thanks Andrew!

Written by Albert

July 2nd, 2010 at 12:24 pm

Posted in App Profiles

Pandora Profile Updated

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A user wrote in to tell us that the volume up button was no longer working in the Pandora profile. We’ve updated the profile to address this issue. Grab it here.

Unfortunately, it’s not a 100% fix. Seems like the folks at Pandora made some changes to their audio player that make it less responsive to the up arrow key (which increases audio volume). Even on a physical keyboard, tapping the up arrow key does nothing. I have to hold down the key for a while before the volume increases. The same is true for the profile.

Written by Albert

June 6th, 2010 at 11:22 pm

Posted in App Profiles

Rocket Knight Profile

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If you’re a fan of old school side-scrolling platformers, you’ll love Rocket Knight. It’s a sequel to the Sega Genesis classic Rocket Knight Adventures, and combines the classic gameplay with a gorgeous graphics upgrade.

The keyboard controls are rather frustrating — the game was clearly designed to be played with a gamepad. And with this new profile, HippoRemote Pro fits the bill perfectly.

Rocket Knight for PC is currently available on Steam.

Grab the profile here.

Written by Albert

May 31st, 2010 at 12:09 am

Posted in App Profiles

Clicker.TV Profile

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In case you missed it, Clicker announced a TV-optimized version of their web site — Clicker.tv — at last week’s Google I/O conference.

With interface and keyboard controls implemented using HTML5, I can browse Clicker’s database of online videos Flash-free. No incessant CPU and GPU fan noise. Actually watching videos, however, inevitably kicks the fans into high gear.

Grab the profile here.

Written by Albert

May 26th, 2010 at 3:29 am

Posted in App Profiles,News

GOM Player Profile

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Thanks go to Krunoslav Labazan for creating a profile for GOM Player.

Grab it from our profile repository.

Written by Albert

May 26th, 2010 at 2:34 am

Posted in App Profiles,News

User-submitted MythTV profile

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Hey Linux folks, thanks to Mark Crowther, we now have a MythTV profile. Grab it here.

Written by Albert

February 28th, 2010 at 1:47 am

Posted in App Profiles,News

HippoRemote Extra: SlingPlayer Profile

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UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.

From Zak Beck, a SlingPlayer profile for Sky+ and Sky HD receivers. This may not work “out-of-the-box” for other receivers, as we’re not sure if the shortcuts are the same. But since Zak’s done the heavy lifting, it should be much easier to tweak the profile for your specific setup. You can download the profile here.

Profile creation is not quite out of beta yet (it will for our 2.0 update!) so you’ll need to send us an email to get it going.

Written by Albert

January 5th, 2010 at 5:15 pm

Posted in App Profiles,News

HippoRemote Extra: Spotify for Mac

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UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.

Thanks to JodyOne for a Spotify for Mac profile. I love the subtle glow highlights when a button is pressed. A beautiful touch. You can download it here.

As before, you’ll need to join our profile creation beta to be able to use this profile. Simply send us an email to join.

Written by Albert

December 7th, 2009 at 1:44 pm

Posted in App Profiles,News

Extra Extra! SageTV & TotalMedia Theatre

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UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.

Two more user-submitted profiles.

First, Russell’s on fire, with his 3rd profile to date — Arcsoft’s TotalMedia Theatre — for you Blu-Ray fans. Download the profile here.

Also, Mike Rytting has created a profile for SageTV, another frequent request. Mike’s created a Google Code repository for his profile, so I’ll just direct you all there.

As before, you need to be a part of our beta program to be able to install these profiles. Send an email to our support address to join.

Written by Albert

November 15th, 2009 at 11:03 pm

Posted in App Profiles,News

HippoRemote Extra: J. River Media Center

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UPDATE: Profile creation is no longer in beta! Grab all available profiles here.

Russell Estcourt’s latest work. Download here. Remember, you need to be part of our open-to-all profile creator beta to install this profile.

Written by Albert

November 13th, 2009 at 3:06 pm

Posted in App Profiles,News