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Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category

HippoRemote Pro on Tekzilla

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Thanks Robert and Patrick! And Remote Potato looks hot too!

Written by Albert

December 11th, 2010 at 10:53 pm

Posted in Tips

Updating Old/Broken Profiles

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HippoRemote Pro 3.0 breaks compatibility with some profiles from earlier versions. The simplest way to get up to date is to go into the in-app settings and tap on Restore Default Profiles. This wipes out all the profiles on your iPhone and replaces them with updated versions.

If this is a bit too severe for you, you can update profiles individually from our online repository. The repository is accessible from inside the app by tapping the “+” button on the profiles screen and choosing the Browse Online option.

Written by Albert

November 29th, 2010 at 8:33 pm

Posted in App Profiles,Tips

Web Ad #3 – Can Your Keyboard Do This?

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Typing logins and passwords with the iPhone can be a real pain. So let HippoRemote do the work for you! Store your logins in the Login Manager and enter them with a single tap.

It’s just one of the many thoughtful features we’ve put into HippoRemote Pro. See our previous web ads featuring Pause On Call and the Proximity Sensor. Or visit our videos page for in-depth demonstrations.

Written by Albert

April 22nd, 2010 at 1:06 pm

Posted in Tips

Web Ad #2 – Can Your Laptop Do This?

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With our Proximity Sensor, keep HippoRemote Pro running without worrying about your battery.

Also be sure to check out Web Ad #1.

To enable the Proximity Sensor, go into HippoRemote Pro’s settings, scroll down the the Misc Settings section, enable Stay Awake, then enable the Proximity Sensor option.

Written by Albert

April 20th, 2010 at 4:47 am

Posted in Tips

Web Ad #1 – Can Your Air Mouse Do This?

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We had a bit of fun making really short videos highlighting some of the unique features of HippoRemote Pro.

Here’s the first:

To enable Pause on Call, go into HippoRemote Pro’s settings, scroll down to the Misc Settings section, enable Stay Awake, and then enable Pause on Call.

Written by Albert

April 15th, 2010 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #15 – HippoVNC + Screen Sharing

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Another tip for Mac users today. If you want to run Mac OS X’s built-in Screen Sharing and HippoVNC’s system server simultaneously, the default settings may cause them to conflict with each other. However, a simple change can allow the two to coexist nicely.

Launch HippoVNC, go to the preferences, and click on the System Server tab. Change the display name to something other than the name you’ve assigned to your Mac. Also, change the display number from Auto to a non-zero number (5, for example). Restart the system server to apply the changes. You may also need to disable and re-enable Screen Sharing via the System Preferences as well.

Now when you launch HippoRemote, you should see two entries in the Detected Servers – one for Screen Sharing, and one for HippoVNC – making it easy to pick the one you want to use.

Written by Albert

October 23rd, 2009 at 2:48 am

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #14 – Auto App Switching (Windows Edition)

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Our last tip talked about automatic app switching on Macs. Today, it’s Windows’ turn.

From our download logs, it looks like many (if not most) Windows folks are using HippoVNC and not some other flavor of VNC. Great! We hope you are enjoying the convenience of auto app switching!

For those Windows users using the hotkey app launching approach (or no app launching at all!), I highly recommend giving HippoVNC a try. With the hotkey launcher, switching to an app that’s already running will open a new window. This can be a bit annoying.

HippoVNC does the right thing. When you select a profile, it will launch that program if it’s not running, or switch you to an existing window if the program is running. Super convenient for switching back and forth between iTunes and Firefox, for example.

Written by Albert

October 22nd, 2009 at 4:38 am

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #13 – Auto App Switching (Mac Edition)

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Today’s tip (like our earlier tip on international keyboards) requires you to run HippoVNC on your Mac.

Judging from our web site traffic, most Mac users have opted to go with OS X’s built-in Screen Sharing functionality. We totally understand this. Personally, I’m incredibly hesitant to install new software, especially software from a small, unknown company that wants to run in the background.

Furthermore, HippoRemote already has an App Launching setting that let’s you use Spotlight (or Quicksilver or LauchBar) to start and switch apps. So how is this new option any better? Here’s how.

Let’s say you are using HippoRemote to control iTunes. You fire up a playlist. Then you decide to jump over into your photo library. Since HippoRemote doesn’t have an iPhoto profile, you mouse over to the Dock and launch iPhoto manually. Now you want to replay that last song. And here’s the problem. The active program on your Mac is iPhoto, but the active profile in HippoRemote is iTunes.

So what can you do? On the Mac, you can use the trackpad to shuffle windows around and bring iTunes to the front. On HippoRemote, you can switch to a different profile, and then use the hotkey launcher to switch back to iTunes. Either option is rather inconvenient.

With Auto App Switching via HippoVNC, you don’t have to do any extra work. Just hit the previous song button on the music pad. HippoVNC will automatically bring iTunes to the front and replay the last song. Let me say that again. Even though iTunes may be buried under a mountain of other windows, HippoVNC will automatically bring it to the front and then apply the replay song action.

This works with all the Mac profiles – DVD Player, Firefox, Keynote, Safari – not just iTunes. It’s incredibly convenient. If HippoRemote has found a home on your iPhone/iPod, give HippoVNC a try. It’s entirely free. And it’s open source, so you don’t have to worry about us doing something sneaky behind your back.

Written by Albert

October 20th, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #12 – HippoRemoting With No Internet (Windows Edition)

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Yesterday, we showed you how to use your Mac to create a wireless network. On Windows, it’s pretty much the same, though you have to dig a bit more into your network configuration.

Here are links on how to create an ad hoc network for XP and Vista:

Windows XP: Set up a wireless network without a router

How to Set Up Ad Hoc Wireless Network in Windows Vista

Instructions for Windows 7 are basically the same as for Vista. However, it looks like the Public Beta and the RC both have driver bugs that prevent ad hoc networks from working right. Hopefully these bugs have been fixed in the soon-to-be-released final version.

I also strongly recommend installing iTunes or Bonjour for Windows.
Either one, used with HippoVNC, will eliminate the need to fuss with IP addresses.

Written by Albert

October 16th, 2009 at 12:08 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #11 – HippoRemoting With No Internet (Mac Edition)

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Sometimes, there’s just no WiFi network available. Does this mean no HippoRemote? Not always. If your Mac has an AirPort card (and virtually every Mac does), instead of using it to connect to a WiFi network, you can use it to create your own wireless network! Tell your iPhone or iPod Touch to join your new network and HippoRemote will work as always.

Here’s a link to an Apple support article on how to create your own wireless network:

Creating a computer-to-computer network

If you haven’t done so already, you’ll also need to go through HippoRemote’s setup.

Lastly, go into your iPhone’s WiFi settings and join your new network. Fire up HippoRemote and your Mac should be automatically detected!

Written by Albert

October 15th, 2009 at 12:13 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #10 – Shift & Control Clicking

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Most of the other remote apps you can find in the App Store use a split-screen style interface to show both the trackpad and the keyboard simultaneously. This is helpful for doing combo commands, like shift clicks or control clicks. But ultimately, keyboard usability suffers. You generally only get a fleeting look at the text you type. And you can’t get features like Keyboard History or take advantage of the iPhone’s autocorrection like you can with HippoRemote.

But if you need to, how do you do a shift click in HippoRemote? The short answer is to switch to the Mac OS X or Windows XP/Vista/7 profile. We’ve put assigned some of the trackpad’s shortcut buttons to these keyboard+mouse combos.

You can also create these actions as Macros and have them available in other profiles as well. Here’s the macro for a shift click:


Yes, that’s it. Use MOUSE_2 for a right click. Or just hit the Help button when creating a Macro for more information.

Written by Albert

October 14th, 2009 at 1:39 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #9 – International Keyboards

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Yesterday, we posted a link on how to use HippoRemote for Chinese text input. Today, we just want to reiterate that you can do the same all the international keyboards supported by the iPhone, not just Chinese.

There are 3 important steps for full international keyboard support:

1. Use HippoVNC. Most VNC servers don’t support Unicode, and this includes Apple’s Screen Sharing software. HippoVNC is free, open source, and available for Mac and Windows.

2. In HippoRemote’s settings, enable the Send Unicode option. This is particularly important for non-Roman languages.

3. Also in HippoRemote’s settings, disable Live Typing. This stops HippoRemote from sending each character as you enter it. Instead, it buffers all the text and sends in one big chunk each time you hit return. This step isn’t absolutely necessary for all languages, but it is important for languages – like Chinese – where the iPhone does a lot of prediction and substitution of text.

Written by Albert

October 9th, 2009 at 12:08 pm

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #8 – Writing In Chinese

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Today’s tip comes from Andy Lee, who combines the iPhone’s Chinese handwriting recognition with HippoRemote to make a really handy tool for entering Chinese text on your computer.

I’ll let you read Andy’s blog post for all the details. He’s connecting HippoRemote to a Mac, but this works with PCs as well.

With HippoRemote, who needs WriteThere?

Written by Albert

October 8th, 2009 at 4:37 am

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #7 – Pin the Keyboard

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One of the most common questions we get is “How do I keep the keyboard from disappearing when I hit return?” With all the people asking, we obviously didn’t get the interface quite right. So expect us to revisit things in the future. =)

That said, currently, to keep the keyboard around, tap on the Pin button in the upper right hand corner. While it’s highlighted, the Return key will only behave as a carriage return and will not return you to the trackpad.

Written by Albert

October 7th, 2009 at 2:54 am

Posted in Tips

HippoRemote Tip #6 – Swipe to Delete History

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Following up on yesterday’s tip…sometimes you have something in your keyboard history that you would prefer not to be there — a “sensitive” URL, a password, a typo, etc.

There’s the Clear History option, but that wipes out your entire keyboard history. A bit drastic if you only want to delete one or two items. Here’s a better solution — Simply swipe your index finger left-to-right across the row you wish to delete!

Power users will know that in most of Apple’s iPhone apps (like Mail), you can delete a single item from a list by using this swiping left-to-right gesture. HippoRemote supports this shortcut extensively. You can swipe to delete Connections, Logins, Macros, and yes, individual items in your Keyboard History.

Written by Albert

October 6th, 2009 at 3:50 am

Posted in Tips