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HippoRemote Tip #3 – App Switching with 3 Fingers

with 3 comments

If you’re on the computer a lot, the ALT+TAB or COMMAND+TAB shortcuts for switching apps are probably second nature. Unfortunately, these keyboard shortcuts don’t translate well to the iPhone, partly because it’s awkward to do multi-finger press and hold on such a small keyboard, and partly because the iPhone keyboard itself doesn’t readily support held keys.

In HippoRemote, we created a really simple trackpad gesture for app switching that works just like the keyboard shortcut. Put three fingers on the trackpad and swipe down. This will bring up the familiar app switching UI on your computer. Keep swiping down with three fingers to advance to the next app. Or swipe up to go to the previous app. When you’ve reached the desired application, simply do nothing for a second and Presto! – app switched.

Alternatively, you can use the three finger gesture to start app switching, then drag the mouse pointer over the desired application and tap the screen once to select. This is great for those multi-taskers who keep a whole lot of apps open all the time. Yes, you know who you are. =)

October 1st, 2009 at 11:26 am

3 Responses to 'HippoRemote Tip #3 – App Switching with 3 Fingers'

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  1. does this work for Lite version?


    9 May 10 at 12:15 am

  2. Hi there! I’m going to have to echo Greg here because it doesn’t seem to want to work in the Lite version. 2-finger swipe up and down works fine as well as pinch-to-zoom. But neither the 3-finger nor 4-finger swipes appear to work at all, no matter how I align my fingers. Does the Lite version not support it, or is it a bug?

    Despite this, I think the app is pretty great! It’s really cool to be able to control my Mac from my iPhone (4S). Another thing that just came to my mind that just happened is that whenever I try to pinch to zoom, the app disconnects from the network. I have no earthly idea what could be causing that. I’ll see if adjusting the bandwidth helps.

    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work with the app! Very, very nifty!


    20 Jan 13 at 6:04 pm

  3. Changing the bandwidth didn’t fix it. So, I have no idea what it could be. Help is greatly appreciated!


    20 Jan 13 at 6:06 pm

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