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HippoVNC Dual Screen Workaround (FIXED!)

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Update: This bug has been fixed with HippoRemote 1.2.1 and HippoVNC 0.2.2.

If you’re on a dual monitor Windows machine, running HippoRemote 1.2 with HippoVNC 0.2.0, you may have encountered a bug where the trackpad becomes unresponsive. We’ve identified and fixed this bug, but unfortunately, the complete fix requires changes to both HippoVNC and HippoRemote.

HippoVNC 0.2.2 is already up on our web site. And an updated HippoRemote has been submitted to Apple. With any luck, they’ll approve it quickly.

In the meantime, there is a workaround! In your Windows screen settings, simply change which screen is the main display and that should resolve the trackpad issues.

We apologize for not catching this bug sooner. Hopefully it hasn’t caused any of you too much frustration.

October 12th, 2009 at 12:42 pm

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